This spell is used to reverse
harmful magick back to the sender. It’s pretty easy and the items can be easily
attained from a craft store. This spell utilizes small mirror to reflect, Smudge
to cleanse and purify, and Cascarilla Powder to Protect. So with this spell you
not only reverse the magick, but you also cleanse and reinforce the protection
around your house so the evil can’t get back in. This is best done on a night
between the New and Full Moon.
· At least 4 small mirrors
· Cascarilla powder
· Smudge and Shell
· Feather
· Enough Tea lights for each room of your house
· Tobacco
Begin by placing a tea light in each room of your
house including basements and attics if you have one. Negativity and evil loves
dark and dampy places, anywhere there is clutter. Make sure you open the back
door or windows, I usually open up a window in each room, this is done so the
negative can be pushed out of the house. Now light the smudge and begin at your
back door and walk counter clockwise around your house. As you enter each room
light the candle and say: “I invite the Light of the Great Spirit in this room
and House, may nothing unwanted remain here.” Walk counter clockwise around the
room three times and then continue to the next. When each room is done and you
return to the back door walk outside with the mirrors and powder. Dig a shallow
hole eat the four quarter of your property. Hold up a mirror facing away from
you and say: “Evil magick I now reflect, away from me and my property, return
to your sender and stay away.” Put a pinch of tobacco in the hole as an
offering to the Sacred Direction along with the mirror and the Cascarilla
Powder and cover the hole. Do this for each corner and when you’re finished
return inside. Allow the candles to burn themselves out but always keep an eye
on them and use safety precautions. When the candles are done put them in a bag
and dispose of them off your property. Ever Full Moon take a pinch of
Protection Powder and sprinkle it at the spot where the mirrors are to keep the
spell going.
Brandon Roberts (Phoenyx)
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