Tuesday, August 12, 2014

New Orleans Voodoo Versus Conjure(Hoodoo)

          Good Afternoon Everyone! I was asked to write an article to explain the difference between New Orleans Voodoo, commonly abbreviated as N.O.V, and Conjure, more commonly called Hoodoo. Being a practitioner of both N.O.V and Conjure, I have come across this question a lot, and while the answer is simple, it’s also very complicated. So I hope I am able to fully explain it.

New Orleans Voodoo

            New Orleans Voodoo is a religion that pulls its beliefs from a few of the major culture backgrounds that call New Orleans home. Its core practices are mainly that of Native American and African spirituality with Catholicism blended in. When slaves were forced to leave their homelands with nothing but the clothes on their backs, one of the only things they had was their religion and spiritual practices. However the owners were usually strict Catholic or Christians and forbid the practice of their religions out of fear, so they adapted Catholic overtones to hide their real practices. This of course carried over to N.O.V and is still practiced today. For example I use an image of St Peter to represent Papa Legba on my shrine. While it is clearly a photo of St. Peter when I see it, I see Papa Legba and address it as such. Now I will never use this particular image to represent anyone else, I even have a different picture of St. Peter to represent him, but this is an example of how this is still used today.

            Most hear Voodoo and get very scared and put off by it, some due to misinformation, some due to the fact that a lot about N.O.V is still kept pretty well guarded and secret amongst its practitioners. Until recent years N.O.V and Conjure was kept amongst families and passed down from parents to children. It’s how it was able to stay alive. Voodoo is considered to be a Living Religion, its changes and grows as the people who practice it do. There is a very important practice of Ancestor Honoring in N.O.V, all Native American Spiritual practices and a lot of African Religion and Spiritual practices as well, put importance on Honoring and Worshiping of the Ancestors. These were the teachers and wise people of tribes and villages and now have knowledge of the other side, which makes them even more knowledgeable. Since they are usually family they are more than willing to guide and protect us as compared to other spirits on whom we are just getting to know.

            From what I was taught in N.O.V there is one Creator whether it be a God, a Goddess, or as I call it The Great Spirit, there is only one. However the Creator is constantly expanding the Universe and doesn’t really concern themselves with us, so these other Spirits were put here to help us with our daily concerns, prayers, and other needs. Each one was gifted with powerful abilities to help us, but there were special ways to call upon their help that must be observed before they are able to come and help. From what I understand this is also a common belief in Haitian Vodou as well. Each Spirit has its own symbols, colors, special food, and other offerings that are used to attract the Spirit and entice them to help. Along with prayer and songs, as well as dance, we are able to call upon these Spirits to aid us, and if they approve of our request they will help, if not then there is a reason for them not to help. The main thing to remember is N.O.V is a religion not a magickal practice.


Conjure a.k.a Hoodoo

            Conjure simple put is Magick. It comes from a lot of different backgrounds and Folk Traditions and blends them so beautifully together that they work in harmony with each other.  “Voodoo Dolls” or Poppets, as they are originally called, come from European Witches. They were used for healing, and giving blessings, as well as giving certain magickal gifts. Hollywood is what turned them into what people call “Voodoo Dolls” today. Praying to the Saints comes from Catholicism and Voodoo, lighting candles and petitioning the Saints is a common practice amongst Catholic Conjure Men and Women, while using roots, bones, and stones, as well as herbs and other curios is common amongst Native American tribes. Some who may come from a more Hispanic background may find it reassuring that a lot of Orisha, from Santeria practices, are called on for aid in Conjure as well. Conjure can be so versatile and you can enhance any Spiritual Practice or Religion with it. This is why I feel Conjure is a truly unique and beautiful way of life really, at least for me it is, and why I feel it is Alive and growing, because it’s so easily adapted into your life.

            Words of Warning, there are a lot of people out there who will make outrageous claims and state that everyone besides them are liars and tricksters. A good Warning sign of a fraud is some who tells you that everyone is lying and can’t really prove it other than them saying. Recently a lot of this has been happening and it truly saddens me because these people often have others who are learning from them and the information they are “teaching” is either very false or stolen from others and claimed as their own. Conjure is complex and certain rules must be followed or it won’t work and you may even disrespect the Spirit you are trying to Honor and that is not good. So seek out sources with high reputations and books that have great reviews. Really research before you trusts a source. I would even research everything you read in this article and cross reference it.

 So in conclusion to this article I want to point out a few things.

1.     New Orleans Voodoo is a religion, not a magickal practice.

2.     Conjure is a magickal blend of Folk Magick Traditions


Hope this article has taught you a thing or two and feel free to leave comments!!
                                                                            Brandon Roberts (Phoenyx)
                                                                                                      Copyright 2014

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